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He was also selected to join WWE's Hall of Fame class of 2017 and then returned to Raw as its new general manager, serving in this capacity until December 2018 (though Baron Corbin had 'replaced' Angle in an acting capacity for four months by then). The first to be declared a 'Future Legend' note awarded annually from 2000 through 2015 by the Cauliflower Alley Club, he's a 13-time world champion, having being a four-time WWF/E Champion, a one-time World Heavyweight Champion (WWE), a one-time WCW Champion (he won it in the WWE during The InVasion Angle), a six-time TNA World Heavyweight Champion and a one-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion (in the Inoki Genome Federation). Angle then worked for WWE as a road agent until being released in April 2020. He was also known for a decade-long tenure at TNA, before returning to WWE in 2017, where he wrestled his final matches as an in-ring competitor. Kurt Steven Angle (born December 9, 1968) is a retired American professional wrestler best known for his seven-year tenure in WWE, where he was referred to as 'professional wrestling's only Olympic gold medalist' (which is legit he won gold medals for wrestling at the 1996 Summer Olympics WITH A BROKEN FREAKIN' NECK!).

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